from Guy Debord

To Rene Vienet[1]
21 June 1961
Dear Rene Vienet:

The simplest manner of approaching all the questions enumerated in your letter to the S[ituationist] I[international] is to come see for yourself. We can lodge you, feed you, even offer you a shower, for about eight days at the following address [Debord's apartment]:

1, impasse de Clairvaux, Paris 3rd
TURbigo 25-24

Though we know little about things concerning profitable work, we have, nevertheless, found two informed comrades: they assure us that a student can at any moment find work (which obviously has little chance of being well-paying or remarkably droll). They will help you.

But, as these people and I leave on a trip about 10 days from Thursday, the invitation mentioned above is only valid at the beginning of July.

Write to us the date of your eventual passage several days in advance.

G.-E. Debord

[1] Rene Vienet, who would become a situationist in the French section.

(Published in Guy Debord, Correspondance, Volume 2, 1960-1964. Footnote by Alice Debord. Translated from the French by NOT BORED! May 2005.)

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