the Situationist International during May 1968
Members of the Committe for Maintaining the Occupation
Pierre Barret
Francois de Beaulieu
Alice Becker-Ho
Robert Belghanem
Hubert Berard
Patrick Cheval
Alain Chevalier
Guy Debord
Pierre Dole
Pierre Eble
"the Hungarian"
Gerard Johannes
Alain Joubert
Mustapha Khayati
Jacques Le Glou
Pierre Lepetit
Michel Mazeron
"the musician"
Catherine Paillasse
Jean-Louis Philippe
"the printer"
Jean-Louis Rancon
Yves Raynaud
Rene Riesel
Eduouardo Rothe
Christian Sebastiani
Pierre Sennelier
Raoul Vaneigem
Rene Vienet
Francoise Zylberberg
Can permitted pleasures compare . . .? (detourned image)
Concerning the Commune of Nantes (concerning inaccuracies)
Enrages and Situationists in the Occupations Movement (book attributed to Rene Vienet)
Letter from Paris to the rest of the SI (internal document)
Letter from the SI to Jean Maitron (concerning inaccuracies)
May 1968: Under the Paving Stones, Repression (May 1968-March 1974 (partial translation of terrible book)
The Beginning of an Era (from Internationale Situationniste #12)
The Beginning of the End: France, May 1968 (review of book on the subject)
Various documents (collected by Ken Knabb)
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