Jerzy Kosinski's

Being There

Act 1

An actor, wearing a sign that identifies him as Chance the Gardener, holds up three boards in a row: the first is an image of a fir seedling distorted by struggling against weeds; the second is an image of a healthy fir seedling growing freely; and the third is a sign that says FREEDOM IS SELF-REGULATING; ORGANIZATION DEFORMS IT.

Act 2

Chance looks at the surveillance camera and points a TV remote control at it. He clicks through several channels before he stops on one and watches for a while. Every so often, he imitates what he sees: he does yoga stretches; he pitches a baseball; he has sexual intercourse; he shoots a gun; etc.

Act 3

As Chance watches him, an actor who is wearing a sign that identifies him as "The Lawyer" holds up three boards in a row: the first says THE RICH OLD GUY IS DEAD; the second says THERE IS NO RECORD OF YOU AT ALL; and the third says GET OUT.

Act 4

Two actors, one wearing a sign identifying her as "Rich Lady," the other wearing a sign saying "Driver," pretend they are driving in a car. They accidentally run into Chance and knock him down. After helping Chance up, the Rich Lady holds up two boards in a row: one that says THE RICH OLD GUY IS DEAD; and another that says GET IN. Chance does, and, as they drive away, he clicks his remote.

Act 5

The Rich Lady stands looking at Chance, then tries to embrace and kiss him. He holds up a sign that says, I LIKE TO WATCH. The Rich Lady thinks a bit, smiles and then begins touching herself and rolling around in a masturbatory esctasy.

Act 6

Chance looks at the surveillance camera and points a TV remote control at it. He clicks through several channels before he stops on one and watches for a while. Every so often, he imitates what he sees: he does yoga stretches; he pitches a baseball; he has sexual intercourse; he shoots a gun; etc.

Act 7

While Chance watches him, an actor who is wearing a sign identifying him as "The King-Maker" holds up two boards: the first says, THERE IS NO RECORD OF YOU AT ALL; and the second says WHAT TO DO ABOUT THE ECONOMY?

Chance holds up three boards in a row: the first is an image of a fir seedling distorted by struggling against weeds; the second is an image of a healthy fir seedling growing freely; and the third is a sign that says FREEDOM IS SELF-REGULATING; ORGANIZATION DEFORMS IT. The King-Maker then holds up two signs in a row: the first says THE RICH OLD GUY IS DEAD; and the second says says COME WITH ME.

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