I have sent back to you the mock-up [of The Society of the Spectacle]: it is very good as to the character of the text and the blank spaces, the extent of which is certainly necessary to aerate the text. To keep this spacing, it will be necessary to place each chapter title and epigraph together on their own [respective] pages; and to begin the text of each chapter on the next following page.
The point size chosen for the epigraphs must be slightly increased. Finally, and this is the most important point, the page numbers, which risk being confused with the numbers of the paragraphs, must be pushed to the bottom of the pages and made smaller (or set in a distinct font?).
Please find enclosed a photograph,[2] as well as certain documents on "the situationists," which may be useful for your press release.
Please believe, dear Sir, in my best wishes.
Guy Debord[1] The first publisher of The Society of the Spectacle, published in November 1967.
[2] For the fourth [back] cover of the Buchet-Chastel edition, taken in November 1967, in Antwerp, at the VIth Conference of the Situationist International.
(Published in Guy Debord, Correspondance, Volume 3, 1965-1968. Footnotes by Alice Debord. Translated from the French by NOT BORED! August 2005.)