from Guy Debord

To Mustapha Khayati
Sunday [1 May 1966]
Dear Mustapha:

I sent thirty copies[1] to your place.

Agreed upon the development of the program for the conference.[2] Raoul [Vaneigem] has also proposed three subjects for discussion (he was here yesterday). He has also drafted very good "Propaganda Comics" in only seven images.[3] It remains for us to find a designer.

The inept J.-P. George seems to have made his letter to the "Situationist Group" an open letter that he sends everywhere. He sent a copy to Pierre Guillaume. Seeing all this, Raoul and I propose that each one of us (or almost all of us) immediately write J.-P. George an insulting letter -- rather brief, all the same.

In my own letter,[4] I responded to two of his crudest lies. But there is obviously still more to say. This will make a beautiful exercise in style. Send to me copies of the letters that you send to him.


Propositions for the discussion of the organization.
(1966 Conference)

1) Suppress the Central Council (unjustifiable if one claims to have attained a certain coherence in the movement and if one rejects any perspective of rallying subordinates).

2) That the situationists are uniquely defined by what they do (theoretically or practically). Thus: that membership is rendered impossible for those who do nothing; that one considers automatically resigned (without any nuance of blame) all those who remain for some time without real participation in the activity of the SI, at the same level at which this activity defines itself; that during each vote on an exclusion anybody can make a justified proposition concerning someone whose activity appears to him to be in contradiction with the bases of the SI.

3) Inversely, to facilliate to the maximum the membership of all those who show that they understand us and approve of us in the perspective of a practical activity of which they have the initiative and capacities. In other words, to finish with all glorious pretensions of the title, the "guarantee" and the value that membership in the SI would represent (it is in such a tendency towards the comfort of self-admiration that the ideology of the SI risks developing: from the same movement comes real incapacity and boasting).

4) To explicitly consider that the SI is to no degree an end, but a means. That it must be superceded, as a moment of the current critique: in the general revolutionary movement that will make itself.

[1] Of the journal Internationale Situationniste #10 [March 1966].

[2] See the Propositions at the end of the letter.

[3] Cf. I.S. #11, p. 34-35, "Comics through direct realization," text by Raoul Vaneigem.

[4] This letter has not been found.

(Published in Guy Debord, Correspondance, Volume 3, 1965-1968. Footnotes by Alice Debord. Translated from the French by NOT BORED! August 2005.)

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