It is certainly by mistake that you have addressed to us, on 6 June, a letter inviting us to treat militantism in the new issue of your journal. We hold what is today called militantism to be one of the socially recognized roles that participate fundamentally in the defense of the existing order. So as to find the path to practical efficacity, we will only cite for you a negative truth: it is necessary to radically scorn the more or less collegiate colloquia, the pseudo-dialogue with whomever hasn't already proved his theoretical and practical interest, and even more so with whomever has provided proof of the contrary.
It is useless to justify any longer our refusal when it is a question of a journal that hasn't even understood what Heidegger is and which still makes room for a [Kostas] Axelos, a still-active Stalinist, etc.
Guy Debord, Mustapha Khayati, Rene Vienet(Published in Guy Debord, Correspondance, Volume 3, 1965-1968. Translated from the French by NOT BORED! August 2005.)