In solidarieta con te (ma non con le forme staliniste o altrimenti burocratiche che prendono certi tuoi difensori), noi ti inviamo il mandato qui unito di 100 000 lire.
Saluti rivoluzionari,
Per l'I.S.,[1] Letter sent from Italy: "Comrade: In solidarity with you (but not with the Stalinist or otherwise bureaucratic forms that make up certain of your defenders), we send you the attached money order for 100,000 Lira. Revolutionary salutations." [Note by NOT BORED!: Valpreda was an anarchist who initially accused of perpetrating the 12 December 1969 bombing of the Piazza Fontana.]
(Published in Guy Debord, Correspondance, Volume 4, 1969-1972. Footnote by Alice Debord, except where noted. Translated from the French by NOT BORED! June 2005.)