from Guy Debord

To Gianfranco Sanguinetti
Champot, 25 September 1974
Carissimo Gianfranco:

We have received your letter of the 19th. We are distressed by this cardiac accident. As you have thought, as reassuring as the physicians can be, it is necessary to consider the incident as a very worrisome alarm signal (because you know, better than they could ever imagine, the terrain of a dangerous life on which such symptoms grow). Also from this perspective, it is now and not later that it is possible and necessary to write "Incipit vita nova."[1] For the moment, you must observe all the treatments or regimes that are called for, even the severe ones. We will soon come to Italy, which, I hope, will encourage you. If a culpable indifference to what you can do in the world or a deplorable sense of humor causes you to still play with the idea of suicide, you must consider other alternatives. You know that I have always allowed, with a very great facility and nearly an equal spirit, that life separates me from many friends and several girls whom I have loved. But I tolerate death very poorly. The death of Asger[2] is the only pain that I have felt over the last ten years, though they have been very agitated. And, eighteen months later, I am still not consoled. Our Asian[3] has already begun to cry.

And so, consider your responsibilities towards the majestic arrangement of history. In the tragic scene that, century to century, we re-play -- already with vicissitudes that disperse the attentions of the public -- it would be an unfortunate anomaly that Engels dies before Marx! Let us avoid this error of composition.

As far as the love that brings you to Rome, we firmly hope that the war between true desires and false ideas will end in your collective victory. All the indicators show that this person merits being loved -- some patience can be necessary in the final struggle against alienation. Thus, it is necessary that, through her conduct, she merits what she has already merited -- and thus we must and it must [be merited] -- by your presence.

Furthermore, I believe that at this moment you have almost as much as she needs for the success of this charming love. In the war against the bad ideas of the world, the heart wears itself out if one cannot follow the heart's true road. As the putatively Spanish proverb says -- Eduardo [Rothe] does not think it is really a Spanish proverb -- "The greatest vengeance is living well."

See you soon. You can write me in Paris. Starting on the 5th, telephone me at 278 30-26, no matter what time, if we have urgent matters to discuss before the meeting in Venice.

We embrace you.

P.S. Did Boujoum understand your illustrated letter? He has begun to accept the car for trips of medium distances. One can take him to the Ance Inn, where his presence was precious: we made him eat the neo-meat that this establishment dares to serve us (because such fare produces joy among a "seminary" of executives who unfortunately hold their sessions [assises] there.).

[1] "Here the new life begins" (Dante).

[2] Translator's note: A co-founder of the Situationist International and a close friend of Guy Debord, Asger Jorn died in early March 1973. See letter to Nanna Jorn dated 4 May 1973.

[3] Translator's note: Alice Becker-Ho, also known as Alice Debord.

(Published in Guy Debord Correspondance, Vol 5: Janvier 1973-Decembre 1978 by Librairie Artheme Fayard, 2005. Translated from the French by NOT BORED! March 2007. Footnotes by Alice Debord, except where noted.)

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