from Guy Debord

To Constant
Monday 26 January [1959]
Dear Constant:

I will shortly return to Paris and thus I hope that you can come very soon. Even immediately, if you can: we have a [winter] climate that isn't too tough.

Without delay I will send you my introduction.[1] For the estimate and pagination, you can keep in mind a composition of 4 pages, in ordinary [sized] characters.

I am completely in agreement with what you have proposed concerning the concretization of unitary urbanism (except the possible usage of the Imaginist Bauhaus label, which appears definitively compromised to me). At the minimum, it would be necessary to have a portion of -- or the preliminaries for -- an effort of this kind in #3 of the journal I.S.

But I see the interest that there would be in a proceeding on a more vaster terrain [echelle] -- for example, a special issue of a journal of 120 pages. There is perhaps the possibility, if I believe Asger [Jorn], of obtaining an entire issue of the Belgian journal Architecture.

But of course the principal, interesting development is on the side of the bureaus of urbanism -- when they are free enough for us to support them. This is an effect of the type that I expect from the famous radiophonic derive in Amsterdam[2] if [Willem] Sandberg makes it possible for us: to simultaneously display a kind of game and theoretical publications (accompanied by plans and models) so as to render the unity of this question concrete.

We can design 2 great ensembles:

1) An experimental town of the future, entirely realized in models.

2) An experimental neighborhood to be integrated into such a particularly designed town. The constructions in models must be accompanied by plans that show the relations between the new neighborhood and the urban ensemble, precisely designed in advance.

Thus we will speak of this upon your arrival.

See you soon. Cordially,

[1] "Constant and the Path of Unitary Urbanism." [Translator: intended to introduce a monograph by Constant and published by the Situationist International. The monograph was eventually published, but Debord's introduction was not: he withdrew it after seeing how badly it had been edited.]

[2] Translator: as part of an exposition at the Stedelijk Museum, the situationists planned to derive through Amsterdam, using a mobile radio transmitter to broadcast their discoveries.

(Published in Guy Debord, Correspondance, Volume 1, 1957-1960. Footnote by Alice Debord, except where noted. Translated from the French by NOT BORED! October 2005.)

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