from Guy Debord

To Asger Jorn
3 July [1958]
Dear Asger:

Today I sent you 200 copies of the 2d tract [concerning Nunzio Van Guglielmi]. At the same time, I sent 200 to [Luciano] Pistoi, 300 to [Guiseppe] Pinot, and 100 to [Walter] Korun. Make the most noise possible in Italy: it is there that the problem is burning.

I sent to you 2 complete packages of proofs for On Form. Everything is ready to be printed. Thus, I made, in 2 copies, the definite pagination of the book, including all the negatives and the subtitles -- in the margin -- of the last part. It will suffice if you can send a paginated version to Pistoi (to whom I've also sent Structure and Change and Against Functionalism) and one version to me, from which Dragor[1] will print his copies.

I gave another pack of proofs to a man of the Left Bank,[2] who came to Dragor's shop yesterday so as to pay your rent. He came at a very bad time. Upon hearing about money, Dragor said that he would take charge of settling with your landlord. It was thus indispensible that this man remit to Dragor -- against payments received -- the check for 10,000 Francs that he'd brought with him. This wasn't so bad. But Dragor said brutally that, in his opinion, you would only be returning to Paris in September [1958]! Dragor, whom I tried hard to convince that your return is imminent, now threatens to refuse to print anything until he is payed.

I will act for the best and, in any case, I will be in Italy at the end of the month.

Quite amicably,

[1] The Parisian printer of the first two issues of the journal Internationale Situationniste.

[2] The gallery of R.A. Augustinci, on the rue de Fleurus.

(Published in Guy Debord, Correspondance, Volume 1, 1957-1960. Footnotes by Alice Debord. Translated from the French by NOT BORED! May 2005.)

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