pro-Situs on terrorism

In the aftermath of the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, several "pro-Situs" -- admirers and imitators of the the Situationist International (SI) -- tried to use the SI's writings on terrorism to help them express their thoughts. What follows isn't a complete bibliography, but a selection of relevant texts, presented in chronological order.

12 September 2001: the Reichstag burns!, by DO, translated from the French by NOT BORED!

25 September 2001: The Reichstag is burning again!, by the Contemporary Prehistory Institute (redivivus).

30 September 2001: Smoke Screens, by The International Friends, translated from the French by NOT BORED!

2003: The Logic of Terrorism, by Michel Bounan, translated from the French by NOT BORED!

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