On Friday, 7 September 2001, a variety of groups from all over the world collaborated on an international day of autonomous protests against the constant, indiscriminate and technologically sophisticated video surveillance of public places by both businesses and law enforcement agencies, and in favor of the right to privacy, which is a fundamental human right. Though other actions took place, the majority of the 7 September 2001 performances and protests were staged in front of "webcams," so that people all over the world could watch them via the Internet.
The following 22 groups (from 7 different countries!) participated in some fashion. They are listed below in alphabetical order, along with their geographical location, the time at which they planned to perform (if a performance was planned), the nature of their involvement in 7s01, and the URL of the webcam they planned to use (if any).
To access an archive of reports on 7s01 by the participants in it and the media, click here.
1. AG Oeffentliche Raume -- Leipzig, Germany -- 8 pm local time
Non-performing supporters.
2. Aktuelle Kamera -- Bremen, Germany -- 8 pm local time (click image below to access webcam)
In 19 places ("viertel" or neighborhoods) in Bremen, Germany, several groups of activists, media workers and artists will be showing imported short-films, home-made videos, and mainstream classics, as well as creating installations that address issues concerning urban living, the politics of space, the conflict between public and private, gentrification, segregation, racism, control and surveillance, and other socio-political impacts of the restructuring of urban space. In "TV CONTROL," a TV programme in which the "spectators" can select their own shows, so-called public spaces will be temporarily reclaimed. For a map and more information (in German), see the City Crime Control web site.
In the midst of all this, Aktuelle Kamera will do a performance in front of a public web cam. Click here to see it. Though Aktuelle Kamera is currently having problems with this cam -- the local Internet service provider (the city tourism board) recently extended the refresh time from one to five minutes -- but we will find a way to deal with it. On 7.9.2001, between 17 and 18 GMT (19 till 20 local time), you will be able to see our performance here..
3. Camaramante -- Medellin, Colombia
We are planning to perform two-minute-long skits in front the survilliance camera system in Medellin, Colombia. Our idea is "Love in the city." We will be trying to show the other stories, the ones on which the cameras are not supposed to be focused. We have gotten acces to the master control room and, of course, to the material that will be recorded by the system. (There are 107 surveillance cameras in the city.) The fun will begin when a big loop is created and a local TV station re-transmits the performances. Furthermore, we hope to send out a live Internet broadcast. . . . A way to be parasites and yet at the same time to be able to state what we think of the whole system.
4. Electronic Frontier Foundation -- San Francisco, USA
Non-performing supporters.
5. FANCLUB -- Hockley, Nottingham, England -- various times throughout the day
The performance by FANCLUB is entitled Trash Surveillence, performed out of a portable bin wheeled around the city.
6. FoeBud -- Bielefeld, Germany -- 11 am to 6 pm local time (click image below to access webcam)
FoeBud, a group of net-activists, will set up an information desk against videosurveillance at the pedestrian-only area in Bielefeld.
7. Hydrid Video Tracks -- Berlin, Germany -- 8 pm local time
Hybridvideotrack will screen all the 7s01 webcam events on the 7th in the NGBK Gallery, located at Oranienstr. 25 in Berlin. A short introduction to video surveillance in Berlin will be given by Autopool, who will be giving a walking tour of/performance concerning surveillance cameras in Berlin on 30 September 2001 (2pm, starting at subway Mohrenstr.).
8. Kathy Chenoweth & SE Barnett -- Los Angeles, USA -- 2-8 pm local time
We'll be progressing along Hyperion Blvd. in the Silverlake area in East Hollywood. We plan on stopping at several CCTV's, and the number of participants will grow as the day goes on. We will be coordinating walkie-talkie and cellphone interactions into our on camera actions, so anyone may participate by calling us during the afternoon at (213) 435-6691 and (323) 493-2920. The sound will recorded directly into the video-documentation. Our websites are currently under construction.
At 4 pm local time, we will also perform in front of this webcam.
9. Lotta Continua -- Berlin, Germany -- 7 pm local time (click image below to access webcam)
The group "Lotta Continua" will do a public "sit-in" against videosurveillance and in favor of the free use of public space. Everbody is invited to come to Alexanderplatz in Berlin. Bring with boom-boxes, paint, musical instruments, furniture, etc. etc. This will all happen during the "innenstadtaktionstage" (days of downtown-action) initiated by the "berliner wagentage."
10. Offenes SaferCity Buero Kasssel/Berlin, Germany -- 8 pm local time
Open Space exhibit concerning German security and the politics of order. At Raum Boxhagener Str. 86, Berlin-Friedrichshain.
11. Pirate TV -- London, England -- 6 pm local time
Non-performing supporters. Will carry the webcam performances on their web site.
12. Privacy International -- London, England
Non-performing supporters.
Non-performing supporters.
14. Souriez, Vous Etes Filmes -- Paris, France -- 11:30 am local time
Demonstration by masked people at the Jardin des Plantes, in front of La Gallery de l'Evolution, Paris, France.
15. Surveillance Camera Players -- Arizona, USA -- 10 am local time (click image below to access webcam)
Performances of AZSCP and Don't worry, you'll still be allowed to shop! The latter is brand-new.
16. Surveillance Camera Players -- Lithuania
Not sure what's going to happen.
17. Surveillance Camera Players -- New York, USA -- 1 pm local time (click image below to access webcam)
Live from Times Square, in the heart of Manhattan, it's SCP Headline News -- the long version. Please tell us by telephone (212) 561-0106 or e-mail if Earthcam "pulls the plug" on our performance. You might also complain to Earthcam directly.
18. Surveillance Camera Players -- San Francisco, USA -- 3:45 pm local time (click link below to access webcam)
Union Street webcam Debut performance by the San Francisco Surveillance Camera Players. There may be others during the day.
19. The Praxis Group -- Minneapolis, USA -- noon local time (click image below to access webcam)
Performance may be brief due to location, which is the University of Minnesota.
20. Tina Schuecker -- Berlin, Germany
A few days before 7.9.01, I will install fake CCTV cameras in and around the Nordbahnhof [north train station]. These cameras will be easily recognized as fake, because they will be made of paper and cardboard. I will place them as if they were streetlamps, on walls and everywhere else that is a "good" place for a real CCTV camera. I think this is a good way for Berliners to prepare themselves for the installation of real cameras.
21. TV Control -- Bremen-Ostertor, Germany -- 7 pm local time
Screening at Zakk, Sielpfad, of the various 7s01 actions as they take place.
22. 2/5BZ -- Istanbul, Turkey
Non-performing supporter.