Ivan Chtcheglov
Born 16 January 1933 in Paris to Russian parents. Member of the Lettrist International from 1952 to 1954. Arrested in 1959 for conspiring to blow up the Eiffel Tower, he was committed to a mental institution by his wife. Subdued with insulin and electro-shock therapy, he was finally released in 1964. Died 21 April 1998.
La Prison ou La Mort pour les Jeunes 1950
Early 1950s
Texts in translation
Formulary for a New Urbanism 1953
Guy Debord to Ivan Chtcheglov April 1963
Guy Debord to Ivan Chtcheglov, 30 April 1963
Guy Debord to Ivan Chtcheglov, 13 May 1963
Guy Debord to Ivan Chtcheglov, 8 June 1963
Guy Debord to Ivan Chtcheglov August 1963
For Ivan Chtcheglov 25 November 1963
Guy Debord to Ivan Chtcheglov 25 September 1964
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