Slum construction

By A. F. Conord

Potlatch #3 6 July 1954

Within the framework of the social policy program of the past few years, the construction of slums as a means of dealing with the housing crisis is continuing at a fever pitch. One cannot help but admire the ingenuity shown by our Ministers and our town-planning architects. In the interest of maintaining harmony, they have developed a few standard slum types that can be used anywhere in the country. Their preferred building material is reinforced concrete. With this material, which lends itself to the supplest of forms, they construct only square buildings. The best example of the genre seems to be the genius Corbusier's -- Cite Radieuse -- although the projects of the brilliant Perret run a close second.

In their work, a style develops that sets the standard of thought and civilization for the mid-twentieth century. It is the "barracks" style. The 1950s house is a box.

Decor determines gesture: we will build passionate houses.



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