Catalogue of All Issues to Date

- #1 July 1983 (Ann Arbor, Michigan):
Texts: review of local bars; "Skateboarding in Ann Arbor"; and David Bowie: Friend or Foe?
Illustrations: Comics by Terry Laban.
- #2 January 1984 (Ann Arbor, Michigan):
Texts: "Sit-in Against Military Research"; "Methods of
Detournement" [reprint]; and "Violent Femmes: Friend or Foe?"
Illustrations: inside cover.
- #3 May 1984 (Ann Arbor, Michigan):
Texts: Gang of Four surrender!; Class War Declared!; "Body-building and the
Repression of Class Consciousness"; Action in Ann
Arbor against Ondine/Warholism; and "Laurie Anderson: Friend or
Illustrations: front cover.
- #4 July 1984 (Ann Arbor, Michigan):
Texts: "An Ideological tool in the Repression of the Poor";
"Towards a Critique of Hitchcock's Vertigo"; and "Will Androgyny
Save Capitalism?"
Illustrations: back cover; a note about contributions.
- #5 September 1984 (Ann Arbor, Michigan):
Texts: "Millionaire Businessman Tom Monaghan"; "MTV: Friend or
Illustrations: none available.
- #6 November 1984 (Ann Arbor, Michigan):
Texts: An Intro to the S.I.; Bruce
Springsteen, Ronald Reagan and Capitalism; Riot by Detroit Tigers Fans;
and "I Was Wrong About MTV"
Illustrations: inside cover; Ronald Reagan.
- #7 December 1984 (Ann Arbor, Michigan):
Texts: "Addenda/Corrections to An Intro to the S.I."; "Lennon,
Ono & the Revolution"; reprint of "Arms and the Woman"; and "Off the
Pigs! Or a Critique of Synchronicity."
Illustrations: none available.
- #8 July 1985 (Buffalo, New York):
Texts: "Fighting Star Wars to Win"; Feminist Graffiti in Buffalo;
"Body Talk"; "Son of the Return of the Death of Punk"; and Situating the Pro-Situs.
Illustrations: front cover.
- #9 January 1986 (Buffalo, New York):
Texts: "Where the Buffalo Roam"; "The Red Hot Chili Peppers";
"Manet in situ"; George Dahl's open letter; and Cutting the Circle: Jump Cut magazine.
Illustrations: front cover; insider cover; I love
Lucy; note on back issues.
- #10 July 1986 (Buffalo, New York):
Texts: "Public Domain's Museum of Lost Possibilities" [flyer];
"Three Candidates"; "The responsibility of Punk"; "The pornography of
sex"; "The Liberty to Consume"; "Towards a Poststructuralist Marxism"
[Ben Agger]; and "The Power of the Pro-Situs."
Illustrations: Comics by Uhuru Commix.
- #11 January 1987 (Buffalo, New York):
Texts: Our Methods and Goals in the UB
Graffiti Scandal, part I; program notes for Look, Who's Asking
the Questions?; "NOT BORED! goes to the movies"; "How to listen to
Popular Music"; and "The Go Go Scene: Visions of Chocolate City" [John
Illustrations: front cover.
- #12 May 1987 (Buffalo, New York):
Texts: Our Methods and Goals in the UB
Graffiti Scandal, part II; "A Defense of Apathy, the Stinking Fart
in the Modern Elevator of Life So-called" [flyer]; "Heavy Brie-Thing, Or
How to Make a Correct Object Choice" [pamphlet]; and two plays by Tuli
Illustrations: front cover.
- #13 November 1987 (Buffalo, New York):
Texts: "Our Methods and Goals in the UB Graffiti Scandal, part
III"; "Sympathy for the Mekons"; "Pere Ubu: Five Points of Interest";
"Derridiere Guard"; "Fearless Vampire Killers"; "The State of Boredom
Today"; and a critique of "How to Talk like a Situationist."
Illustrations: back cover.
- Supplement to #13 Volume I, January 1988 (Buffalo, New
Texts: Tables of contents for first 13 issues; index to first 13
issues; responses to "An Intro to the S.I."; responses to "Situating the
Pro-Situs"; "The Death of Hardcore"; "Bang Your Head"; an open letter to
Prince; and Derrida and the spectacle.
Illustrations: portrait of the
- Supplement to #13 Volume II, May 1988 (Buffalo, New
Texts: "Our Methods and Goals in the UB Graffiti Scandal, part
IV"; "The Desire to Situate: In 3-D (Debord, Derrida, and de Man)"; and
Illustrations: back cover.
- Supplement to #13 Volume III, September 1988 (Buffalo, New
Texts: "The End(s) of Iggy Pop"; abstract of "Prince's
Controversy and Everyday Life"; "Yale French Studies: Everyday Life"; The Look We Look At: T.J. Clark's Long Walk Back to
the Situationist International; and Derrida on de Man.
Illustrations: none available.
- #14 February 1989 (Ann Arbor, Michigan):
Special issue: The Continuing Adventures of the Cowboy
Philosopher [detourned comic strip].
Illustrations: Tom Mix.
- #15 April 1989 (Buffalo, New York):
Texts: "Our Methods and Goals in the UB Graffiti Scandal, part
V"; "Architecture & Morality"; "In & Out of Reach"; and Rushdie/Rush to Die [flyer].
Illustrations: front cover; graffiti scandal; graffiti scandal portrait of
Bill Not Bored.
- #16 December 1989 (Buffalo, New York):
Texts: "On the Art Strike, part I"; "La Derive": review of Greil
Marcus' Lipstick Traces; "William S. Burroughs"; "Christmas in
the Free World" and Christmas in Panama (Radio
Noriega, or The Many Moods of Manny).
Illustrations: front cover; inside cover; what is
this?; map of wanderings in the Pierce
Arrow complex; "passages were
- #17 July 1990 (Providence, Rhode Island):
Texts: Conflicts with Factsheet Five; review of Public
Enemy's Fear of A Black Planet; and report on Providence,
Illustrations: front cover.
- #18 December 1990 (Providence, Rhode Island):
Texts: "On the Art Strike, part II"; Situationist Films in NY; translation of
soundtrack of Gil J Wolman's L'Anticoncept; "Architecture & Desire"; and
The Brethren of the Free Spirit.
Illustrations: front cover.
- #19 June 1991 (Providence, Rhode Island):
Texts: Text of "The Situationist Concept of Spectacle, Then and
Now" [performance]; comments on Debord's Comments on the Society of the Spectacle;
"Actions Taken Against Factsheet Five"; posters from France,
May/June 1968; review of Dances with Wolves; and "The War in the
Persian Gulf."
Illustrations: none available.
- #20 February 1992 (Providence, Rhode Island):
Texts: Factsheet Five replies; translations of assorted
texts by Adam Weishaupt and other Illuminati [reprint]; first English
translation of Gasche's On the Trial of
Spur; comments on Debord's Comments on the Society of the
Spectacle; and "What? Panties, again?"
Illustrations: front cover.
- #21 July 1992 (Providence, Rhode Island):
Texts: "Andre the Giant has a posse"; report on riots following
acquittals of police officers accused of beating Rodney King; The Forty One Curses, Crises and Conspiracies of
Everyday Life [performance]; "Debord's Pharmacy"; "What's the matter
with money? Or, Can I count on it 2 nite?" and "Takeoff."
Illustrations: nudity and everyday life.
- #22 August 1993 (Providence, Rhode Island):
Texts: Report on Europe; "A Jew Who Chose to Live in Germany";
translation of poster from Les Nevres Nues; "Ice-T and the Gang
Ceasefire in L.A."; and panties, panties, panties.
Illustrations: inside cover; inside cover detail ("Yer so fucked");
the Chinese are coming; Bill
Not Bored photographed by Danish newspaper at anti-police violence demo
; back cover.
- #23 January 1995 (New York, New York):
Texts: "The Degradation of Everyday Life" [pamphlet], Bulletin From Rewrite [Re: William Burroughs],
"Johnny Naked," "The Films of Guy Debord," "The Suicide of Kurt Cobain,"
and "Monkey Men: Devo and the Golem of Devolution."
Illustrations: front cover; existing images; live evil; back
- #24 September 1995 (New York, New York):
Texts: Squat the World [pamphlet],
"Defaced Advertisements," "Preliminary Report on Urban Games," "Lettrist
Soundtrack Bootlegged" [audio cassette]; "On Times Square, Dreaming of
Times Square," and The Spectacle
of Information.
Illustrations: none available.
- #25 June 1996 (New York, New York):
Texts: Screening of film by Guy
Debord; Open letter to Stewart Home;
statement announcing NOT BORED!'s website; "Space is the Place"; Situationist Symphony No. 1; The American section of the Situationist
International; All the things you could
be right now if Raoul Vaneigem were your father; the Unabomber's manifesto; index to first 25 issues; and a Preface to a NOT BORED! anthology.
Illustrations: front cover; the eye of the beholder; pedestrian games (excerpt 1); pedestrian games (except 2).
- #26 November 1996 (New York, New York):
Texts: See Hear Bookstore boycotted; Nike advertisement
Subverted; Squatters evicted from 13th
street; Rage Against the Machine confronted; Unabomber for President Political Action
Committee NYC; "Stop OPTO"; Boycott New Year's Eve 1999/2000;
statement from the Surveillance Camera Players;
proposal for the Guerilla Programming of Video
Surveillance Equipment; 125th Anniversary of the Paris Commune; Dennis Rodman: De-Domesticated Man; Workers' Councils, Cornelius Castoriadis and the
SI; Heatwave #1 30 Years Later;
and several situationist texts in French.
Illustrations: front cover; Unabomber for President: the Conquest of Nature;
Unabomber for President: the Situation is Under
- #27 May 1997 (New York, New York):
Texts: An update on boycott of See Hear
Books, the text of Ubu Roi used by the Surveillance Camera Players for their performance of the play, the Top-Ten Reasons Not to Buy MetroCard, translations of Guy
Debord's Theses on the Cultural Revolution and
of Debord & Wolman's "Why Lettrism?" a
statement concerning getting copies of the video of Guy Debord's La Société du Spectacle, a review
of At Dusk: The Situationist Movement in
Historical Perpsective (1975), a review of special issue of October devoted to the SI, and
Yet Another Introduction to the SI.
Illustrations: front cover; back cover; poster for the
Surveillance Camera Players; Unabomber for
President: Pathfinder Books; Unabomber for
President: Don't Blame Me; Time Out New York
- #28 December 1997 (New York, New York):
Texts: Review of Len Bracken's Guy Debord:
Revolutionary; a reprint of and commentary upon the manifesto of the
English section of the SI; a translation of
and commentary upon Pierre
Guillaume's essay "Guy Debord"; a review of an exhibit of art work by Jamie Reid, two statements from the New York
Psychogeographical Association: No more fucking ugly
buildings and Decrees of 22 November
Illustrations: front cover; Amadou Diallo; modernization; cell phones (1); cell phones (2).
- #29 July 1998: (New York, New York):
Texts: The NYPA says Ban All Private Cars from Manhattan; Ride of the Midnight Marauder; MetroCard Potlatch; Drifting with the
New York Psychogeographical Association; Hector
Rotweiller's News from the World of Capital;
statement concerning the UAW strike; review
of reprint of Quattrocchi & Nairn's The Beginning of
the End: France, May 1968; towards a review of Len Bracken's
translation of Gianfranco Sanguinetti's "The Real
[sic] Report on the Last Chance to Save Capitalism in Italy"; Bill
Brown's response to Bob Black's review of Bill Brown's review of Len
Bracken's Guy Debord: Revolutionary; review
of Simon Sadler's The Situationist City;
review of Jacques Attali's Noise; second essay
on the work of Cornelius Castoriadis; TJ
Clark's foreword to the forthcoming
English translation of Anselm Jappe's biography of Guy Debord; Gervais
Khinespre's Dark Light In A Bright Power: An
Article Against The Forced Treatment Of Exceptional Others;
translation of Bibliographie Guy Debord,
and the LI's response to the question Does
thought enlighten both us and our actions with the same indifference as
the sun, or what is our hope, and what is its value?
Illustrations: front cover; back cover; ban cars from
Manhattan during the day; flyer for exhibit
of Bill's photos; New York Post article about
Bill's arrest for anti-barricade graffiti; Bill's own account of his
arrest: parts 1 and 2.
- #30 February 1999 (New York, New York):
Texts: More dumps, fewer yuppies;
Yuppie Go Home?!; Lady
Die mural attacked again; and a NYPA letter to the editor concerning
Len Bracken; battles with the Brooklyn Cacaphony Society; the
Surveillance Camera Players perform again
and again and (wow!) again; Lenny Bruce's Thank You, Mask Man; Norman Cohn's Pursuit of the Millennium; subvertizement for the
Cel Phone Irradiator and a
thrill-packed review of Henri Lefebvre's The
Production of Space;
Illustrations: cell-phone radiation.
- #31 June 1999 (New York, New York):
Texts: Graffiti scandal at Vassar College; graffiti scandal in
Williamsburg; the SF Mission Yuppie Eradication Project; the
Surveillance Camera Players; statement about "Reclaim The Streets";
review of T.J. Clark's new book; NOT BORED!
on-line; last of three essays on Cornelius
Castoriadsis; review of book on Portugal.
Illustrations: Gertrude Stein and
money; Communist sex kitten.
- #32 January 2000 (New York, New York):
Texts: NOT BORED! on-line; the LESC/Reclaim The Streets/CLC, aka
The Borg; On the transparent society; Antonin Artaud and the Surveillance Camera
Players; violence at anti-WTO protests in Seattle; Rudolph Giuliani and Adolph Hitler; and
a bibliography of American
Illustrations: front cover; the baseball strike; censorship of art in Brooklyn.
- #33 September 2001 (New York, New York):
Texts: Blackout Books closes; On the NY
Anarchist Tribes; Anti-gentrification actions in Brooklyn; the
City's Ugliest Buildings; SCP protest at the
Italian Consulate; The Relevance of Antonio
Negri to the Anti-Globalization Movement; Simulating Sinead O'Connor; unanswered questions about rough music;
review of Michael Perelman's The Invention of
Capitalism; and the French preface
to Sanguinetti's On Terrorism and the State.
Illustrations: front cover; back cover; fake
- #34 July 2002 (New York, New York):
Texts: Smoke Screens; A New Garden of Eden; statement by the SCP
concerning 11 September 2001; Comments on The Relevance of Antonio Negri to the
Anti-Globalization Movement; Pete Townshend
Gets His Wish; a reprint of Lester Bangs'Free
Jazz/Punk Rock; and more!
Illustrations: front cover; back cover; Bush, Putin and
- #35 July 2003 (New York, New York):
Texts: The Dark Joys of Social Control in Thomas Pynchon's Vineland; a review of
recently published situationist books; Mother Nature to 9-11 Mourners: Eat My Dust; Trashing Georges Bataille, "Accursed"
Stalinist; Alan Antliff's anarchism: left for
dead amid the carnage; and Wal
Mart; Laughing Lou Reed; an exchange
with Anarchy magazine concerning
11 September 2001.
Illustrations: the Terminator;
the Terminator (that's not funny).
- #36 July 2004 (New York, New York):
Texts: Surveillance cameras around NYU and
in Chinatown; Lester Bangs: Great American Moralist; Kurt Columbine; When the cure is worse than the disease;
Led Zeppelin: the Greatest TV Commercial Ever
Made; Evelyn Manesta; Paul
Viriolio's Strategy of Deception; Paco
Ignacio Taibo's ‘68; An
unkind reply to RETORT; The Reichstag
Burns Again; Debord's letter to
Sanguinetti; Debord's letter to
Kloosterman; and Lebovoci's letter to
Labrugere & Rouyau.
Illustrations: the global holy war
against terrorism; postcards from hell;
the rule of law.
- #37 May 2005 (New York, New York):
Texts: Castoriadis: Translator/Editor's Foreword to "Figures of
the Thinkable"; reprint of The
Strange Afterlife of Cornelius Castoriadis; Money and literature: Sancho Panza's priceless coinages, Gertrude Stein's difficult paper, Edgar Allan Poe's "The Gold Bug", and Emily Dickinson's Withdrawal; On the
"modern" prison: All the world's a
prison; Foucault's Discipline
and Punish; From Debord concerning Socialisme ou
BarbarieTo Andre Frankin, 4 Feb
1961, To Andre Frankin 19 Feb
1961, To Andre Frankin, 18 March
1961, To Andre Frankin, 20 May
1961, To Attila Kotanyi, 12 July
1961, To the participants in the
national conference of "Pouvoir Ouvrier," 5 May 1961 To Daniel Blanchard, 13 June 1961, To J.-L. Jollivet, 8 Dec 1961, To J.-L. Jollivet, 21 May 1962, and To J.-L. Jollivet, 6 July 1962; and
Debord's Remarks on the SI
Illustrations: none available.
- #38 October 2006 (New York, New York):
Texts: Guy Debord Film
Retrospective; Guy Debord on the
‘immigration question'; Raoul
Vaneigem, "Foreword" to The Resistance to Christianity; Greil Marcus' book on "Like a Rolling
Stone"; Pitying Paul Virilio; Paul Virilio: Another dupe of the ‘War on
Terrorism'; Gang of Four's Return the
Gift; another unkind reply to RETORT; Double Deflection: October on Debord,
Again; Elizabeth Bryne Ferm: Towards an Anarchist
Education for Children; The secret
of George W. Bush's power; and Henri Lefebvre's Writings on Cities.
Illustrations: front cover.
- #39 September 2007 (New York, New York):
Texts: NYPD spies on the Surveillance
Camrera Players; A Critique of
Neo-Anarchism; 50th Anniversary of
the Founding of the Situationist International; Guy Debord's On the ‘Immigrant Question'; the
Friends of Nemesis' On the Riots of November
2005 in France; Jean-Pierre Baudet's Signed
X; Jean-Francois Martos on On the
Interdiction of My Correspodence with Guy Debord, An
uncontrollable from the Iron Column Protest
to the libertarians of the present and the future about the
capitulations of 1937; Ken Knabb's
Situationist International Anthology; Raoul Vaneigem's A Declaration of the Rights of Human
Beings; and Os Mutantes.
Illustrations: none available.
- #40 May 2008 (Cincinnati, Ohio):
Texts: Ubiquitous Surveillance: The
Mayor's New Clothes; surveillance cameras in Cincinnati; Modest Proposals for
Revolutionizing the Advertising Industry;The Virtual Spectacle; Turning over a new John Zerzan; Kurt Cobain Back From the Dead; Eyal Weizman's Hollow Land: Israel's Architecture
of Occupation.
Illustrations: front cover.
- #41 November 2009 (Cincinnati, Ohio):
Special issue: Guy Debord: Dead and Loving It (1994-2009), with
texts by Debord: Psychogeographical Venice; The Asturian Strikes; On the Fire at
Saint-Laurent-du-Pont; Ab Irato; Summary Note concerning the
difficulties of translating Panegyric; translator's preface to Guy Debord: Letters
1957-1994; Selling Debord's Archives: Debord, a national treasure, Two hundred people dine together, Patrons lacking, and Fundraiser; Defending Debord Against: Gene McHugh, Nathan Heller, Alexander Galloway, Semiotexte, and Tiqqun; The Invisible Committee: Preface to Blanqui Anthology and Preface to The Coming Insurrection; Is The Coming Insurrection a
Hoax?; The "Tarnac Affair": Interview
with Julien Coupat, Situationist Inheritors, The Arrest of Tessa, An
Order to Bring Down, To our judges,
We are all iron bars, Three German autonomes, Tarnac, Berlin, Perousse; and Democratic Terrorization:
introduction, Democratic Terrorization:
Illustrations: none available.
- #42 July 2013 (New York, New York):
Special 30th Anniversary Issue: Ryan M. Rogers Reviews the NOT BORED!
Anthology; Marc Lenot on Guy
Debord; Guy Debord in 2009: Laughing or
Spinning?; The Real Split in John McHale's
Translation of The Real Split; On
Gianfranco Sanguinetti's text about The Pussy; On Gianfranco Sanguinetti's text about Miroslav
Tichy; What Rachel Kushner Knows About
Gianfranco Sanguinetti; What
Rachel Kushner Knows About Guy Debord; On Wayne Spencer's Call for a New Situationist
International; McKenzie Wark's
Stunted Publicity; Non Serviam: McKenzie
Wark is Full of Shit; Is McKenzie Wark a
Plagiarist?; Omissions and Errors in McKenzie
Wark's The Spectacle of Disintegration.
Illustrations: front cover; Egad! This new issue of NOT BORED! . . . .
- #43 (forthcoming):
On "Communisation": A Response to Sic No. 1; Liz Hoffman and Ben Rosenzweig respond to
On "Communisation": A Response to Sic No. 1; The Novels of Michele Bernstein in
Historical Perspective; Correspondence
with a Translator: Ken Knabb Refuses to Participate in a Collective
Endeavor; Asphyxiation; Luc Sante's "Low Life"; Greil Marcus' Real Life Rock;
Index to all back issues
To Contact NOT BORED!: