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NOT BORED! Anthology 1983-2010
To our readers

NOT BORED! is an autonomous, situationist-inspired,
low-budget, irregularly published journal.

No copyrights, rights reserved, advertising or subscriptions.


July 1983 - December 1984: Ann Arbor, Michigan
January 1985 - November 1988: Buffalo, New York
December 1988 - July 1989: Ann Arbor, Michigan
August 1989 - June 1990: Buffalo, New York
July 1990 - December 1994: Providence, Rhode Island
January 1995 - February 2008: New York, New York
March 2008 - June 2011: Cincinnati, Ohio
July 2011 - present: New York, New York

[Current, future and back issues]
[Index to back issues] [Links]
[Privacy policy] [Selected texts] [Translations]

This Web site, which replaces sites created in April 1996 (localnet.com), March 1997 (thorn.net), and November 1998 (panix.com), was established on this server in May 2000.

To contact us: info@notbored.org POB 140041, Brooklyn, New York 11214

also on this website:

[Community gardens in NYC, 1997-2002]
[Cornelius Castoriadis (translations), 2003-2023]
[Henri Lefebvre and the Situationists, 1958-1963]
[Lettrist International archive, 1950-1957]
[New York Psychogeographical Association, 1997-2002]
[Situationist International archive, 1957-1972]
[Socialisme ou Barbarie: An Anthology, 1949-1967]
[Surveillance Camera Players, 1996-2006]
[Tarnac Affair in France, 2008-2010]

elsewhere on the internet:

[Books self-published by Bill Brown]