What's New on this Website?

28 January 2025:

Guy Debord: Letter to Hervé Falcou (23 February 1953) (new translation)

27 January 2025:

Lettrist International: “The Strange Inauguration of a Private Gallery: The lettrists reveal their methods” (new translation)

26 January 2025:

Guy-Ernest Debord: “Manifesto for a Construction of Situations” (new translation)

23 January 2025:

Gil J Wolman: “The lettrists’ oldest member, Wolman is 24 years old” (new translation)

21 January 2025:

The Lettrist International: “Faces of the Avant-Garde” (new translation)
Lettrist, Provocateur, Writer, Thief: An Anthology of Writings by and Documents about Serge Berna (new translation)

9 January 2025:

An Uncontrollable: “Protest to the libertarians of the present and the future about the capitulations of 1937” (new translation)

28 December 2024:

Guy Debord: Report to the 7th Conference of the SI (new translation)

24 December 2024:

Raoul Vaneigem: “On the Realization of Art and the End of Culture" (new translation)

23 December 2024:

Guy Debord: Program of the 7th Conference of the Situationist International (new translation)

6 December 2024:

Bill Brown: “Been There, Done That: A Review of a New Translation of Une saison avec Marianne: La dernière surréaliste (new entry)

1 September2024:

Guy Debord: History of the Lettrist International (new translation)
Raoul Vaneigem: Yellow Vests, One More Effort in Favor of the Living! (new translation)

28 July 2024:

Alain Segura: A Season with Marianne: The Last Surrealist (new translation)

28 January 2024:

Raoul Vaneigem: “ABOLISH PREDATION, BECOME HUMAN AGAIN: A call for the global creation of collectivities that struggle for a free and authentic human life” (new translation)

12 January 2024:

Maurice Fréchuret: “Exile and Engagement: Short Study of Four Journeys Within the Situationist International” (new translation)

11 October 2023:

Cornelius Castoriadis: More Political and Social Writings, 1945-1997. Books 1 and 2. The Question of the Workers' Movement. Volumes 1 and 2 (new e-pub)

17 September 2023:

Bill Brown: “Crawling Out of the Trashcan of History: A Review of a Translation of Jaime Semprún’s Précis de récupération into English” (new entry)

20 April 2023:

Communiqué from Éditions La fabrique, Wednesday 19 April 2023 (new translation)

19 April 2023:

Joint Press Release by Éditions La fabrique (Paris) and Verso Books (London), Tuesday 18 April 2023 (new translation)

6 April 2023:

Sylvano Santini: “Introduction” to From One Revolution to Another: Correspondence Between Guy Debord and Patrick Straram, followed by Notebook for a Landscape to be Invented and Other Texts (new translation)

4 December 2022:

Anonymous [Marianne Nikolic and Pierre Lepetit]: “We have been naught, we shall be all” (new translation)

20 September 2022:

Raoul Vaneigem: “Only Fear Governs Us: From the Programmed Degradation of the Living to its Spontaneous Rebirth” (new translation)

6 July 2022:

Bill Brown: “A Stunted Growth: On a New Edition of On the Poverty of Student Life (new entry)

11 June 2022:

Alain Segura: “Marianne Nikolic: The Last Surrealist” (new translation)

7 May 2022:

Michèle Bernstein: “Hot Water on All Floors” (marking the 50th anniversary of May 1968) (new translation)

1 May 2022:

Bill Brown: “Reviews of the Nonfiction Books that I Read During the COVID-19 Pandemic (March 2020 – April 2022)” (new entry)

28 October 2021:

Bill Brown: review of Kevin Mattson's We’re Not Here to Entertain: Punk Rock, Ronald Reagan, and THE REAL CULTURE WAR of 1980s America (new entry)

20 July 2021:

Max Vincent: “Reader’s Note on Le Scandale de Strasbourg mis à nu par ses célibataires, même” (new translation)

5 July 2021:

Jean-Claude Leroy: “Guy Debord, Reader of Marx and Hegel: Choices, Annotations, Détournements and Sources” (new translation)

26 June 2021:

Article 11: “Life has every right and predation has none”: An interview with Raoul Vaneigem (new translation)

18 June 2021:

Guillaume Goutte: An interview with Marc Tomsin (new translation)

12 June 2021:

Dictionnaire des anarchistes: “Marc Tomsin (1950-2021)” (new translation)

10 June 2021:

Raoul Vaneigem: “On the death of Marc Tomsin” (new translation)

30 May 2021:

Raoul Vaneigem: “Obscurantism has always been power’s way of illuminating things” (new translation)

25 May 2021:

Raoul Vaneigem: “Long Live Oaxaca!” (new translation)

23 May 2021:

Raoul Vaneigem: “Long live the Commune!” (new translation)

19 May 2021:

Raoul Vaneigem: “Appeal from a partisan of individual and collective autonomy” (new translation)

15 May 2021:

Raoul Vaneigem: “To live and do away with the scorn for life” (new translation)

10 May 2021:

Raoul Vaneigem: “The Insurrection of Life: An Interview” (new translation)

29 April 2021:

Bill Brown: “Gang of Gamelan” (new entry)

28 April 2021:

Raoul Vaneigem: “Homage to André Aubry” (new translation)

22 April 2021:

Raoul Vaneigem: “Back to Basics: Theses on and Observations about the Struggle in France” (new translation)

6 April 2021:

Raoul Vaneigem: “Greece Learns to Do Without the State” (new translation)

1 April 2021:

Gérard Berréby: Publishing and Sedition (an interview) (new translation)

22 March 2021:

Raoul Vaneigem: For a Self-Managing Republic that Annuls the Republic of Parliaments and Businesses (new translation)

28 February 2021:

René Viénet: Autobiographical Sketch ("new" entry)

22 November 2020:

Bill Not Bored: “Like an Exhibit at Madame Tussauds: Samuel Aranda’s Portrait of Raoul Vaneigem” (new entry)

21 November 2020:

Raoul Vaneigem: interview with Le Soir (new translation)

17 October 2020:

Raoul Vaneigem: letter to Laurence Mekhitarian (new translation)
“Anti-War Declaration of the Leftist Youth of Azerbaijan” (new translation)

11 October 2020:

Raoul Vaneigem: “The Branch of Liberty” (new translation)

3 October 2020:

Raoul Vaneigem: “Song of the Resigned” (new translation)

27 September 2020:

Raoul Vaneigem: “The Branch of Freedom” (new translation)

21 July 2020:

François Bott: “At the Café of Lost Youth: A Funereal Oration by Guy Debord” (new translation)

19 July 2020:

François Bott: “The Situationists and the Cannibal Economy” (new translation)

3 July 2020:

Raoul Vaneigem: “Salute to Diego” (new translation)

1 June 2020:

Raoul Vaneigem: “The Zapatistas’ Fight is the Universal Fight of Life Against the Desertification of the Earth” (new translation)

23 May 2020:

Gil Bartholeyns: “The Coronavirus: the Root of the Problem Extends Far Beyond Wet Markets in China and Bush-Meat Markets in Africa” (new translation)

18 May 2020:

Giorgio Agamben: “Biosecurity and Politics” (new translation)
Raoul Vaneigem: “We Decree the Self-Defense of Our Own Health” (new translation)

5 May 2020:

Joël Gayraud: “The Day After is Already Far Behind Us” (new translation)

27 April 2020:

Anonymous: “Coronavirus: More than ever, the State seeks to take control over our lives” (new translation)

23 April 2020:

Giorgio Agamben: “A Question” (new translation)

20 April 2020:

Gianfranco Sanguinetti: “Western Despotism” (new translation)

13 April 2020:

Brendan Boehning: “NO NEW NORMAL” (new entry)

12 April 2020:

Raoul Vaneigem: “People of the World, One More Effort!” (new translation)

5 April 2020:

Bernard Marszalek: “Someday the Museums Will Reopen (But Not as We Have Known Them)” (new entry)

4 April 2020:

Les Influencers: “The Unnamable Death of Michel Bounan” (new translation)

20 March 2020:

Raoul Vaneigem: “Coronovirus” (new translation)

7 March 2020:

René Viénet: “Hu Jie: the Story of a Chinese Patriot: A Film by Bertrand Renaudineau and Gérard da Silva” (new translation)

2 March 2020:

Bill Brown: “Umberto Eco’s Numero Zero and Operation Gladio” (new entry)

29 February 2020:

Raoul Vaneigem: “For the Commune” (new translation)

11 February 2020:

EVADE CHILE 2020 #: Introduction to Raoul Vaneigem’s “Unity and Differences on the Insurrections in France and Chile” (new translation)

9 February 2020:

Raoul Vaneigem: “Unity and Differences in the Insurrections in France and Chile” (new translation)

25 January 2020:

Anonymous [Raoul Vaneigem]: Everything Starts Here and Now (new translation)

29 December 2019:

William S. Burroughs: letter to William Brown (new entry)

28 December 2019:

Bill Brown: Lyn Lifshin (1942-2019) (new entry)

19 December 2019:

Manifesto: Resist the total surveillance of our cities and lives (new translation)

1 December 2019:

Raoul Vaneigem: “The rebirth of the human is the only growth that is acceptable to us” (new translation)

30 October 2019:

Bill Not Bored: "Dr. Judy Wood, Scholar for 9-11 Truth" (new entry)

27 October 2019:

Raoul Vaneigem: “A Thousand Erotic Games” (Hieronymus Bosch) (new entry)

25 October 2019:

Bill Brown: T. J. Clark’s book about Picasso (new entry)

29 September 2019:

Bill Brown: "T.J. Clark's Most Recent Book" (new entry)

11 September 2019:

Raoul Vaneigem: "We Have No Other Alternative Than to Dare the Impossible": Complete text of interview given to Le Monde (new translation)

25 August 2019:

Jean-Patrick Manchette: "The Position of the Solitary Crime Novelist" (an interview) (new translation)

10 August 2019:

Raoul Vaneigem: "Try to save established social rights? They are already lost" An interview (new translation)

2 August 2019:

Raoul Vaneigem: Create Territories (new translation)

6 February 2019:

A Report to the Academy: Annie Le Brun Doesn't Write "Situationist" Books (new entry)

30 January 2019:

Annie Le Brun: Appeal to Desertion: (Feminism, Surrealism, Sade, Foucault) (new translation)

24 January 2019:

Annie Le Brun: Sade Concerns Us All: An Interview (new translation)

20 January 2019:

Annie Le Brun: "Sade: To Attack the Sun": An Interview (new translation)

19 January 2019:

Annie Le Brun: The Denial of Reality, Managing the Catastrophe and Technicity (new translation)

16 January 2019:

Annie Le Brun: Meeting Andre Breton (new translation)

14 January 2019:

Stephane Lecler: "The difficulties faced by the 'Yellow Vests' are the consequence of fifty years of urban planning policies" (new translation)

13 January 2019:

Various Academics, Intellectuals and Artists: Statement of Solidarity for the Yellow Vests (new translation)
Annie Le Brun: "Contemporary art is the uglification of the world! (new translation)

12 January 2019:

Nadya Tolokonnikova: An Excerpt from Read & Riot: A Pussy Riot Guide to Activism (new entry)

11 January 2019:

Annie Le Brun: Poetry, Surrealism, Jean-Jacques Pauvert and Greil Marcus (new translation)

10 January 2019:

Annie Le Brun: "Change Life," or the Most Difficult Thing to Imagine (a text about Pussy Riot) (new translation)

8 January 2019:

Annie Le Brun: The Difference Between Men and Women, Makeup and Stalinists in Skirts: An Interview with Catherine David (new translation)

7 January 2019:

Annie Le Brun: "Language remains a weapon that anyone can reclaim": French Theory, Sade and Surrealism (new translation)

5 January 2019:

The Yellow Vests of Ile-de-France: We won't let anyone recuperate our revolt! (new translation)

4 January 2019:

Annie Le Brun: Excerpt from That Which is Priceless: Beauty, Ugliness and Politics (new translation)

1 January 2019:

Raoul Vaneigem: The Reasons of Wrath (new translation)

31 December 2018:

Message of support for the ZAD at Notre Dame des Landes and a song from Raoul Vaneigem (new translation)

28 December 2018:

Raoul Vaneigem: Concerning the "Yellow Vests": Everything is possible, even self-managing assemblies in the middle of street intersections, villages and neighborhoods (new translation)

22 June 2018:

Gianfranco Sanguinetti: Response to the speech by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, dedicated to the victims of terrorism on the fortieth anniversary of the assassination of Aldo Moro (new translation)

29 April 2018:

Bill Brown: review of Greil Marcus's Real Life Rock (new entry)

17 September 2017:

Bill Brown: review of Luc Sante's Low Life (new entry)

28 June 2017:

Socialisme ou Barbarie: An Anthology, 1949-1967 (new translation)

26 May 2017:

Surveillance Camera Players: books that document or discuss our work (updated)

4 April 2017:

NOT BORED!: "So long Disneyland's sad clowns": Unanswered messages from Intertalent concerning an unauthorized screening of the films of Guy Debord (new entry)

2 April 2017:

NOT BORED!: Correspondence with a film programmer concerning a screening of Guy Debord's In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni (new entry)

19 January 2017:

Surveillance Camera Players: books that document or discuss our work (updated)

4 December 2016:

NOT BORED!: We are not judges and life is not a trial: Henri Lefebvre's Metaphilosophy (new entry)

17 September 2016:

A Stitch in Time: An Autobiography of Bill Brown in the Form of a Quilt Made Out of T-Shirts that He has Worn (new entry)

18 April 2016:

Mustapha Khayati: Marxisms: Ideologies and Revolution (new translation)

30 January 2016:

Eric Hazan and Julien Coupat: "For a destituent process: an invitation to a voyage” (new translation)

26 January 2016:

Gianfranco Sanguinetti: Money, Sex and Power: Concerning a Fake Biography of Guy Debord (new translation)

28 December 2015:

Gianfranco Sanguinetti: The Utility of Terrorism, Considered with Respect to the Usage Made of It (new translation)

26 December 2015:

Gianfranco Sanguinetti: Paris 13 November 2015: A Morale Operation (new translation)

19 November 2015:

Bill Brown: Clarifications concerning Samson Kambalu (new entry)

12 November 2015:

Court of Venice: Full Text of Ruling in "Sanguinetti v. Venice Biennale / Samson Kambalu"

11 November 2015:

Bill Brown: Notes for talk on the "Tarnac 10" (new entry)

5 November 2015:

Bill Brown: Clarifications concerning Gianfranco Sanguinetti (new entry)

22 October 2015:

National Archives of the Ministry of the Interior: Records on the Situationist International (new translation)

21 October 2015:

Anna Trespeuch-Berthelot: Excerpts from police files on the Situationist International (new translation)

20 October 2015:

Roxana Azimi: “The Italian writer Sanguinetti lodges a complaint against the Venice Biennale” (new translation)

26 September 2015:

Encylopédie des Nuisances: "To Dumbfound" (new translation)

22 September 2015:

The Enragés of Nanterre: texts (new translation)

21 September 2015:

The Sisyphus Group: various fragments (new translation)

20 September 2015:

Miguel Amoros: the Libertarian Group of Ménilmontant (new translation)

17 September 2015:

NOT BORED!: The Invisible Committee discovers America (new snark)

3 September 2015:

René Vienét: “Fire upon the Mao-Idolators” (new translation)

31 August 2015:

The Tarnac 10: "Leaving the Logic of Security Behind" (new translation)

29 August 2015:

The Tarnac 10: "Counter-Terrorism: It Doesn't Judge Enemies; It Fights Against Them" (new translation)

20 August 2015:

Tarnac 10: An Open Letter to "Charlie Hebdo" (new translation)

17 August 2015:

Tarnac 10: Counter-terrorism is a method of government (new translation)

6 August 2015:

William J. Brown: Shock and dismay! Another bad book about grain elevators has been published! (new snark)

28 July 2015:

Julien Coupat: letter to the judge (new translation)

23 July 2015:

Yildune Lévy (Tarnac 10): transcript of interrogation by Judge Jeanne Duye (new translation)

20 July 2015:

The Tarnac 10: "Bye-Bye St. Eloi," An Open Letter to Madame Judge Jeanne Duye (new translation)

27 June 2015:

Revista Argelaga: Against an unacceptable fate: Why anti-productivism? (new translation)

25 June 2015:

François de Beaulieu: Usage of the Commons at Notre-Dame-des-Landes, Yesterday and Today (new translation)

16 June 2015:

Surveillance Camera Players: new map of Union Square, Manhattan (new entry)

11 June 2015:

Surveillance Camera Players: new map of the Lower East Side of Manhattan (new entry)

28 May 2015:

L'Observateur: full text of interview with Julien Coupat (new translation)

21 May 2015:

Aude Lanceline: Julien Coupat: “The cynicism of our rulers is inflexible” (new translation)

17 May 2015:

Surveillance Camera Players: schedule of walking tours (updates)

9 May 2015:

Soren Seelow: The prosecutor wants Julien Coupat back in jail for terrorism (new translation)

8 May 2015:

NOT BORED!: letter to Okwui Enzewor concerning Samson Kambalu's use of our letter to Gianfranco Sanguinetti in the 56th Venice Biennale (new snark)

22 April 2015:

Pierre Haski: the cinema of René Viénet (new translation)

17 April 2015:

Philippe Nassif: René Riesel: Right in his Boots (new translation)

27 January 2015:

NOT BORED! Go ahead, translate this (new entry)

22 January 2015:

Situationist International: Declaration: On the Charges Brought Against the Situationist International in Germany (new translation)

15 January 2015:

Raoul Vaneigem: Self-Portraits and Caricatures of the Situationist International (new translation)

25 December 2014:

Jacques Philipponneau and René Riesel: Above the Volcano (new translation)

14 December 2014:

NOT BORED!: Asphyxiation (new entry)

13 December 2014:

Gérard Berréby: An interview with Thèrése Dubrule, aka Mrs. Raoul Vaneigem (new translation)

11 December 2014:

Jacques Donguy: An interview with Angéline Neveu (new translation)

30 November 2014:

Gérard Berréby: interview with Clairette Schock (new translation)

27 November 2014:

Pierre Lotrous: The Statue of Charles Fourier (new translation)

23 November 2014:

Attila Kotányi: The Imaginary Killed at the Heart of Housing (new translation)

19 November 2014:

Jean-Pierre Baudet: review of de Sade exhibition at the Musée d'Orsay (new translation)

14 November 2014:

Raoul Vaneiegem: Fragments pour une Poétique (new translation)

12 November 2014:

Raoul Vaneigem: "Isidore Ducasse and the Count of Lautréamont in the Poésies" (new translation)

9 November 2014:

Raoul Vaneigem: letter to Guy Debord (new translation)
Surveillance Camera Players: books that document or discuss our work (new entry)

8 November 2014:

Surveillance Camera Players: the antecedents of "Surveillance Camera Theater" (note on Jerry Lewis) (updated entry)

4 November 2014:

Michèle Bernstein: Note on the Situationist International (new translation)

3 November 2014:

Jacques Le Glou: “Détournement in Song and Revolution,” liner notes for To Have Done With Work: Songs of the Revolutionary Proletariat, Vol. I (new translation)
René Viénet: flyer for Can the Dialectic Break Bricks? (new translation)

2 November 2014:

Donald Nicholson-Smith: the Encyclopédie du monde actuel (new translation)
Encyclopedia of the Current World: Raoul Vaneigem on French poetry 1945-1970 (new translation)

1 November 2014:

Robert Estivals: “Letter to Debord on the Consequences of Megalomania” (new translation)

31 October 2014:

Raoul Vaneigem: first letter to Guy Debord (new translation)
René Viénet: note on Kriegspiel and humor (new translation)

30 October 2014:

Michele Bernstein: a note on Lefebvre and Cheype (new translation)
Isidore Isou: letter to Guy Debord (new translation)

29 October 2014:

René Viénet: note about May 1968 telegrams (new translation)
Donald Nicholson-Smith: note about the exclusions of 1967 (new translation)

28 October 2014:

Gérard Berréby: interview with Mustapha Khayati (new translation)
Gianfranco Sanguinetti: La Casa Frollo: the Venice Conference, September 1969 (new translation)

11 October 2014:

Guy Debord: newly published pictures at the Sixth Conference of the SI, Antwerp, Nov. 1962 (new entries)

10 October 2014:

Surveillance Camera Players: new anthology of maps of New York City (new entries)

8 October 2014:

Raoul Vaneigem and Gérard Berréby: Nothing Has Ended; Everything Begins (new translation)

7 October 2014:

Situationist International: newly published photos from Antwerp, 1962 (new entries)

6 October 2014:

Frédérque Roussel: interview with Gérard Berréby about Raoul Vaneigem (new translation)

18 September 2014:

Éditions de la Roue: statement of purpose and summary of first three publications (new translations)

23 August 2014:

Laurent Six: China: How Pierre Ryckmans Became Simon Leys (new translation)

17 August 2014:

Pierre Haski: The Death of Simon Leys, fierce opponent of French Maoist intellectuals (new translation)

14 August 2014:

Jean-Pierre Baudet: Addendum from 2014 relating to the relationship between Guy Debord and L'obsolescence de l'homme (new translation)

19 July 2014:

NOT BORED!: Catalogue of All Issues To Date (redesigned page)

10 July 2014:

Surveillance Camera Players: map of Washington Square Park (new map)

15 June 2014:

Anonymous: Francis Pagnon's book about Wagner's music (new translation)

10 June 2014:

Revue Argelaga: Can Vies: the Reason of Force in the Barcelona Police (new translation)

9 June 2014:

Miguel Amorós: What is anti-industrialism and what does it want? (new translation)

8 June 2014:

Bill Not Bored: The State of Surveillance Today (new article)

22 May 2014:

MSJC's Menifee Dance Company to Present Surveillance Art (refers to the Surveillance Camera Players)

15 May 2014:

Miguel Amorós: A Brief History of the Italian Section of the SI (new translation)

6 May 2014:

Olivier Tesquet: Surveillance Art (new translation)

26 March 2014:

Theater: Surveillance Art as Participatory Performance (article about Surveillance Camera Players)

16 March 2014:

Cornelius Castoriadis: interview with Greek television (new entry to preexisting page)

7 March 2014:

Miguel Amorós: The Revolution, Now and Forever: Preface to the New Edition of Jaime Semprun's 'Manuscript Found in Vitoria' (new entry)

15 February 2014:

Jean-Claude Lutanie: Protest to the Libertarians of the Present and the Future Concerning the Capitulations of 1980 (new entry)

6 February 2014:

NOT BORED!: Translator's introduction to Gianfranco Sanguinetti's On Terrorism and the State (updated entry)

1 February 2014:

NOT BORED!: Translator's introduction to Gianfranco Sanguinetti's Truthful Report on the Last Chances to Save Capitalism in Italy (updated entry)

28 January 2014:

Gianfranco Sanguinetti: Miroslav Tichy: Forms of Truth (new entry)
Gianfranco Sanguinetti: The Pussy: Past and Present (new entry)

8 January 2014:

Artillery Magazine: Bunker Vision (article about Surveillance Camera Players)

20 December 2013:

NOT BORED!: We are breaking off relations with Gianfranco Sanguinetti (new entry)

19 December 2013:

The Italian Section of the Situationist International: Address to the Proletariat on the Current Possibilities for Social Revolution (new entry)
Gianfranco Sanguinetti: “To the Chruch with Manzoni . . With Leopardi to War” (new entry)
Gianfranco Sanguinetti: Mathias Rust: King of the Hooligans (new entry)
Gianfranco Sanguinetti: Ugliness is the promise of misfortune (D.H. Lawrence's paintings) (new entry)
Gianfranco Sanguinetti: Dum Novus Nascitur Ordo (new entry)

19 October 2013:

International Friends of Pussy Riot: Write Directly to Nadezha Tolokonnikova of “Pussy Riot” (new entry)

13 September 2013:

Don Murdoch: “Jaywalking” and Situationist Theory (new entry)

30 August 2013:

Liz Hoffman and Ben Rosenzweig respond to On “Communisation”: A Response to Sic No. 1 (new entry: cf. 19 June 2013, below)

29 August 2013:

NOT BORED!: Correspondence with a Translator: Ken Knabb Refuses to Participate in a Collective Endeavor (new entry)

1 August 2013:

NOT BORED!: the Novels of Michele Bernstein in Historical Perspective (new entry)

19 June 2013:

NOT BORED!: On “Communisation”: A Response to Sic No. 1 (new entry)

7 June 2013:

NOT BORED!: publication of NOT BORED! #42 (July 2013) (new entry)

2 June 2013:

Raoul Vaneigem: Resistance to Christianity: A Chronological Encyclopedia of the Heresies from the Beginning to the Eighteenth Century (new translation)

29 May 2013:

NOT BORED!: Is McKenzie Wark a Plagiarist? (new entry)
NOT BORED!: Five Major Omissions and Thirty-Four Factual Errors in McKenzie Wark's The Spectacle of Disintegration (new entry)

24 May 2013:

NOT BORED!: Non Serviam (McKenzie Wark is Full of Shit (new entry)

22 May 2013:

Les Amis de Némésis: On the Guy Debord Limited Edition Action Figure Giveaway (How can celebrity be stopped once it has started?) (new entry)

19 May 2013:

Various authors: McKenzie Wark's Stunted Publicity (new entry)

14 May 2013:

Gianfranco Sanguinetti: letter to Guy Debord (first part) (new entry)

11 May 2013:

Guy Debord: letter to Gianfranco Sanguinetti (new entry)

4 May 2013:

Raphaël Sorin: Guy Debord for Dummies (new entry)

2 May 2013:

Laurent Wolf interviews Laurence Le Bras and Emmanuel Guy (new entry)

13 April 2013:

Marc Lenot: Guy Debord at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (new entry)

6 April 2013:

Benoît Duteurtre: Guy Debord turned into spectacle (new entry)

5 April 2013:

Pascal Holenweg: Those bastards, they've resurrected Guy Debord! (new entry)
Jérôme Dupuis: Guy Debord: Force or Farce? (new entry)

4 April 2013:

Raphaëlle Rérolle: To Each His Own Debord (new entry)
Eric Aeschimann: The Guy Debord Show is at the BNF (new entry)

3 April 2013:

Olivier Beuvelet: Debord at the BNF, or the Art of Diversion (new entry)

2 April 2013:

Bernard Sudan: Guy Debord, the society of the spectacle and the medicine of the spectacle (new entry)

27 March 2013:

Ryan M. Rogers: Review of NOT BORED! Anthology (new entry)

26 March 2013:

Antonio Casilli: The BNF, Guy Debord and the Schizophrenic Spectacle of Copyrights (new entry)

20 March 2013:

René Vienet: Marie-Olympe de Gouges in the Pantheon? (new entry)

1 March 2013:

Marc Lenot: The Critical Reception of Miroslav Tichý (new entry)

20 February 2013:

Guy Debord: Detournements, Allusions and Quotations in "The Society of the Spectacle" (revised entry)

18 February 2013:

Gianfranco Sanguinetti: To Mustapha (concerning Guy Debord and On Terrorism and the State) (new entry)
Gianfranco Sanguinetti: The Doge: A Recollection (new entry)

7 February 2013:

Jaime Semprun: The Social War in Portugal (new entry)

29 January 2013:

Cornelius Castoriadis: Democracy and Relativism: Discussion with the "MAUSS" Group (new entry)

26 January 2013:

Radio Prague: Ztohoven's Tenth Anniversary (new entry)

17 January 2013:

Cafe Babel: Ztohoven's Citizen K (new entry)

14 January 2013:

NOT BORED!: The Recuperation of Guy Debord and Its Discontents (new entry)

8 January 2013:

NOT BORED!: What Rachel Kushner Knows About Guy Debord (new entry)

5 January 2013:

NOT BORED!: What Rachel Kushner Knows About Gianfranco Sanguinetti (new entry)

26 December 2012:

Gianni Giovannelli: The Secret is to Tell All! (new entry)

12 November 2012:

Pier Franco Ghisleni: Letters to the Heretics (new entry)

3 November 2012:

NOT BORED!: Hugo Burnham, Pro-Obama Bully (new entry)
NOT BORED!: Illusions about the “Goodness” of President Obama (new entry)

27 October 2012:

Maria Alekhina (Pussy Riot): statement to the court (new entry)

18 October 2012:

Situationist International: The Workers of Italy and the Revolt In Reggio Calabria (new translation)

14 October 2012:

Gianfranco Sanguinetti: Welcome to the Freest City in the World (new entry)
Gianfranco Sanguinetti: Notice to the Proletariat About the Events of the Last Few Hours (new translation)

10 October 2012:

NOT BORED!: Gianfranco Sanguinetti's The Pussy, Yesterday and Today (new entry)

9 October 2012:

NOT BORED!: Gianfranco Sanguinetti's Miroslav Tichy's Forms of Truth (new entry)

29 September 2012:

Gianfranco Sanguinetti: Remedy to Everything (includes "On Terrorism and the State") (new translation)

13 September 2012:

Gianfranco Sanguinetti: Truthful Report on the Last Chances to Save Capitalism in Italy (new translation)

8 August 2012:

Editions Champ Libre: Correspondence, Vol. 2 (new entry)

22 July 2012:

Francis Deron: The Cemeteries of Maoism (new entry)

17 July 2012:

Rene Vienet: Ghosts of the Maoists (new entry)

14 July 2012:

Rene Vienet: Mao: The Curse of the Mummy (new entry)

9 July 2012:

The Situationist International: On the Exclusion of Attila Kotanyi (new entry)

29 June 2012:

Editions Champ Libre: Correspondence, Vol. 1 (new entry)

19 May 2012:

Raoul Vaneigem: Answers to Six Questions (new entry)

16 May 2012:

Raoul Vaneigem: Beyond the Impossible (new entry)

16 April 2012:

NOT BORED!: review of John McHale's translation of The Real Split in the International (new entry)

6 April 2012:

Guy Debord: letter to Jean-Marc Loiseau (new entry)

30 March 2012:

Guy Debord: letter to Juvenal Quillet (new entry)

29 March 2012:

Guy Debord: letter to Gianfranco Sanguinetti (new entry)

28 March 2012:

Guy Debord: letter to Rene Riesel (new entry)

27 March 2012:

Guy Debord: letter to Gianfranco Sanguinetti (new entry)

26 March 2012:

Guy Debord: letter to Revolutionaire Raad-Anvers (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to J.V. Martin (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Gianfranco Sanguinetti (new entry)

24 March 2012:

Guy Debord: letter to Juvenal Quillet (new entry)

23 March 2012:

Guy Debord: letter to Jon Horelick and Tony Verlaan (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Jon Horelick and Tony Verlaan (new entry)

22 March 2012:

Guy Debord: letter to Gianfranco Sanguinetti (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Paolo Salvadori (new entry)

21 March 2012:

Guy Debord: letter to Jon Horelick and Tony Verlaan (new entry)

20 March 2012:

Guy Debord: letter to the Italian section of the SI (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Mario Perniola (new entry)

19 March 2012:

Fabrice de San Mateo: The Situationists in the United States (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Gianfranco Sanguinetti (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Gianfranco Sanguinetti (new entry)

18 March 2012:

Guy Debord: letter to Jonathan Horelick (new entry)
Guy Debord and Raoul Vaneigem: letter to Tony Verlaan (new entry)
Guy Debord and Rene Riesel: letter to the American section (new entry)

17 March 2012:

Bruce Elwell: on the translation into French of the journal of the American situationists (new entry)

13 March 2012:

NOT BORED!: review of French translation of the journal published by the American Section of the SI (new entry)

10 March 2012:

Raoul Vaneigem and Yannis Youlountas: Greece: the Cradle of Another World (new entry)

18 January 2012:

NOT BORED!: review of Guy Debord, Ausgewaehlte Briefe 1957-1994 (new entry)

22 December 2011:

Raoul Vaneigem: What's Free is the Absolute Weapon (new entry)

30 November 2011:

Collectif des Métiers De l'Édition: introduction to the "Night Awakeners" collection (new entry)
Collectif des Métiers De l'Édition: introduction to French translation of journal by the American Section of the SI (new entry)

31 August 2011:

Surveillance Camera Players: map of Williamsburg, Brooklyn (new entry)

25 August 2011:

Surveillance Camera Players: reviewing the reviewers (new entry)

19 August 2011:

Surveillance Camera Players: map of Chinatown (new entry)

11 August 2011:

Surveillance Camera Players: map of Garment District (new entry)

8 August 2011:

Surveillance Camera Players: schedule of walking tours (new entry)

30 July 2011:

Surveillance Camera Players: map of City Hall area (new entry)

27 July 2011:

Surveillance Camera Players: map of SoHo in Manhattan (new entry)

20 July 2011:

Surveillance Camera Players: map of the Lower East Side of Manhattan (new entry)
Surveillance Camera Players: books that document or discuss our work (new entries)

14 April 2011:

NOT BORED!: Guy Debord's letters 1951-1957, etc. (new entry)

13 April 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to Anne Krief and Jaime Semprun (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Jaime Semprun (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Jaime Semprun (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Anne Krief and Jaime Semprun (new entry)

12 April 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to the tax collector (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Jacques Le Glou (new entry)

10 April 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to the President of the Supreme Court (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Tony Verlaan (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to the President of the Supreme Court (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Daniel Denevert (new entry)

4 April 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to David Bieda (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Yvon Chotard (new entry)

2 April 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to Andre Bertrand and Daniel Joubert (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to the Libertarian Group of Menilmontant (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Jean-Marc Charmillon (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Christian Sebastiani (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Raoul Vaneigem (new entry)

1 April 2011:

Isidore Isou: "Youth Uprising" Manifesto (1950) (new entry)

31 March 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to Raoul Vaneigem (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Mustapha Khayati (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Daniel Guerin (new entry)

30 March 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to Raoul Vaneigem (new entry)

25 March 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to Andre Mrugalski (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Uwe Lausen (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Alexander Trocchi (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Raoul Vaneigem (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Francoise Lung (new entry)

22 March 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to Marcel Marien (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Piero Simondo (new entry)

21 March 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to Piero Simondo (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Marcel Marien (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Piero Simondo (new entry)

19 March 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to Ralph Rumney (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Asger Jorn and Ralph Rumney (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Piero Simondo (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Piero Simondo (new entry)

18 March 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to Ralph Rumney (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Constant Nieuwenhuis (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Walter Olmo (new entry)
Cornelius Castoriadis: Postscript on Insignificancy (new entry)

17 March 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to Gil J Wolman (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Piero Simondo (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Jan Kotik (new entry)

8 March 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to Stephane Rey (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Marcel Marien (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Jacques Legrand (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Marcel Marien (new entry)

6 March 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to Marcel Marien (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Les Levres nues (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Alexander Trocchi (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Alexander Trocchi (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Alexander Trocchi (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to La Tour de feu (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Marcel Marien (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Marcel Marien (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Marcel Marien (new entry)

5 March 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to Gil J Wolman (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Andre Frankin (new entry)
Guy Debord: to the editor of the Times (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Gil J Wolman (new entry)

2 March 2011:

French Press Agency: The Archives of Guy Debord, father of situationism, enter the BNF (new entry)

24 February 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to Asger Jorn (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Andre Frankin (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Isidore Isou (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Patrick Straram (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Marcel Marien (new entry)

21 February 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to Gil J Wolman (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to the editor of Combat (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Marcel Marien (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to the Movimento Pittura Nucleare (new entry)

20 February 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to Georges Goldfayn (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Barbara Rosenthal (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Patrick Straram (new entry)

19 February 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to Robert Chazal (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Herve Falcou (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Gil J Wolman (new entry)

18 February 2011:

Alice Debord: Introduction to Volume "0" (new entry)
Guy Debord: last will and testament (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Marc-Gilbert Guillaumin (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Simone Dubreuih (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Pablo Picasso (new entry)

16 February 2011:

Guy Debord: To Robert Chasse (new entry)

11 February 2011:

The Situationist International: To the English situationists (new entry)
The Situationist International: To Ben Morea (new entry)
The Situationist International: To Murray Bookchin (new entry)
Guy Debord: To Donald Nicholson-Smith and Christopher Gray (new entry)

6 February 2011:

Guy Debord: letter to Christopher Gray and Donald Nicholson-Smith (new entry)
Guy Debord: letter to Donald Nicholson-Smith (new entry)
Situationist International: letter to Ben Morea (new entry)
Situationist International: letter to Robert Chasse, Bruce Elwell and Tony Verlaan (new entry)

4 February 2011:

Situationist International: letter to Tony Verlaan (new entry)
Situationist International: letter to Tony Verlaan (new entry)
Situationist International: letter to Tony Verlaan (new entry)
Situationist International: letter to Robert Chasse (new entry)
Situationist International: letter to Robert Chasse (new entry)
Situationist International: letter to Robert Chasse (new entry)

26 January 2011:

NOT BORED! Anthology 1983-2010 (new entry)

23 January 2011:

Surveillance Camera Players: books that discuss our work (new entry to pre-existing collection)

3 January 2011:

Friends of the Tarnac Commune: An appeal (new entry to pre-existing collection)

1 January 2011:

NOT BORED!: links to other works by Bill Brown (updated)

26 November 2010:

Surveillance Camera Players: books that discuss our work (new entry to pre-existing collection)

24 November 2010:

Surveillance Camera Players: walking tour in NYC (new entry to pre-existing collection)

16 October 2010:

Cornelius Castoriadis: A Society Adrift: More Interviews and Discussions on the Rising Tide of Insignificancy (new entry)

15 August 2010:

Jules Bonnot de la Bande: Jaime Semprun (1947-2010) (new entry)

11 August 2010:

NOT BORED: Jaime Semprun (1947-2010) (new entry)

1 August 2010:

NOT BORED!: Reading Greil Marcus Listening to Van Morrison (new entry)

28 July 2010:

Liberation: the Minister of the Interior brings charges against "Le Jura Libertaire" (new entry)

21 June 2010:

La Boetie: Social Networking Sites in general and Facebook in particular: A World Between Commodification and Representation (new entry)

7 June 2010:

Claude Guillon: open letter to Gerard Coupat (new entry)

21 May 2010:

Guy Debord: "This bad reputation" (new entry)

11 May 2010:

Surveillance Camera Players: interview on WBAI-FM (NYC) (direct link to MP3)

10 May 2010:

Coordinated Autonomous Groups of Spain: Concerning the ERAT (new entry)

7 May 2010:

Coordinated Autonomous Groups of Spain: Communique dated October 1979 (new entry)

3 May 2010:

Coordinated Autonomous Groups of Spain: Communique dated January 1979 (new entry)
Coordinated Autonomous Groups of Spain: Communique dated September 1979 (new entry)

2 May 2010:

Autonomous Groups: Introduction to "Appels de la prison de Ségovia" (new entry)

30 April 2010:

NOT BORED!: links (updated)
NOT BORED!: The Spectacle of Information (reprint of long-unavailable essay from 1995)

12 April 2010:

Surveillance Camera Players: press coverage (new entry to pre-existing collection)
Surveillance Camera Players: abuses of surveillance cameras (new entry to pre-existing collection)

30 March 2010:

Rene Riesel: Open letter concerning vaccine propaganda (new entry)

16 March 2010:

NOT BORED!: Form a new Situationist International? Let's not and say we did (new entry)

28 February 2010:

Brassicanigra: Anti-surveillance action in Dijon, France (new entry)

27 February 2010:

Liberation: Illegally Installed Ears in Tarnac (new entry)

26 February 2010:

Surveillance Camera Players: unauthorized use of our work in an advertisement (new entry to pre-existing category)

21 February 2010:

Eric Hazan: interviewed by Les Inrocks (new entry)

18 February 2010:

Surveillance Camera Players: protests against surveillance cameras (new entry to pre-existing collection)
Surveillance Camera Players: abuses of surveillance cameras (new entry to pre-existing collection)

15 February 2010:

Guy Debord: On Chance (new entry)

13 February 2010:

Jules Bonnot de la Bande: The Protocols Stripped Bare by its Historians Even (new entry)

9 February 2010:

French Ministry for Culture and Communication: Advisory relating to the appeal to patrons to facilitate the State's acquisition of a national treasure (new entry)

26 January 2010:

The Situationist International: "Into the trashcan of history!" (new entry)
The Situationist International: Our reasons for reprinting "Into the trashcan of history!" (new entry)
Henri Lefebvre: texts by or about him (new subpage)
The Tarnac Ten: Has the Surveillance Gone Too Far? (new entry)

24 January 2010:

Guy Debord: Notes on Coherence (new entry)

23 January 2010:

Guy Debord: Notes on Poker (new entry)

20 January 2010:

Jean-Patrick Manchette: Gas Alert! (Contribution to the Critique of an Ultra-Sinister Ideology) (new entry)

8 January 2010:

Guy Debord: Conditions of the Congolese Revolutionary Movement (new entry)

3 January 2010:

NOT BORED: Top-20 Most Popular Pages on this Website during 2009 (new entry)

30 December 2009:

NOT BORED: distributors of "Guy Debord: Dead and Loving It" (new entry)

26 December 2009:

NOT BORED: A "libertarian communist" website censors our translation of a text about Gilles Dauve's father, Guy Dauve (new entry)

25 December 2009:

Didier Daeninckx: summary of the professional career of Guy Dauve, Gilles' father (new entry)

19 December 2009:

Europe 1: "Judicial supervision of Julien Coupat lightened" (new entry to existing collection)

7 December 2009:

NOT BORED: Is Guy Debord Spinning or Laughing in His Grave? (new entry)

4 December 2009:

The "Tarnac Ten": Why we will no longer respect the judicial restraints placed upon us (new entry to existing collection)

30 November 2009:

Paris Committe for Support of the "Tarnac Nine": Unauthorized visit to the SDAT (new entry to existing collection)

26 November 2009:

Associated Press: "Politicians and lawyers denounce 'a criminal procedure under the cover of terrorism'" (new entry to existing collection)
Liberation: "Tarnac: Witness X and his rigged testimony" (new entry to existing collection)

25 November 2009:

NOT BORED: Index to back issues (updated)
NOT BORED: texts concerning "the Tarnac Affair" (new collection)

24 November 2009:

NOT BORED: We received more than 500,000 visitors in 2009. Where did they come from? (new entry)
Soutien aux inculpees du 11 November 11: Communique concerning this morning's arrest (new entry to pre-existing collection)

23 November 2009:

NOT BORED: translations in the print version (new entries to pre-existing collection)
NOT BORED: contents of special issue on Guy Debord (new entries to pre-existing collection)
NOT BORED: selected texts (new entries to pre-existing collection)

18 November 2009:

Hamae Grimal: Hoax concerning video surveillance questions the people of Dijon (new entry to pre-existing collection)
Au fil de Lyon: A "fake" letter targets Edvige in Lyon (new entry to pre-existing collection)
Cornelius Castoriadis: Texts translated into Hebrew (new entry to pre-existing collection)

6 November 2009:

The Indigestible: The Truth About "The Coming Insurrection," Or the Misadventures of a 'Pataphysical Hoax (new entry to pre-existing collection)

5 November 2009:

Claude Guillon: introduction to Democratic Terrorization (new entry to pre-existing collection)

23 October 2009:

Surveillance Camera Players: photographs from Brazil (new entry to pre-existing collection)

22 October 2009:

Cliff Roth: Are Surveillance Camera Players Anachronistic in the Age of Analytics? (new entry to pre-existing collection)

13 October 2009:

Barricata: interview with Claude Guillon (new entry to pre-existing collection)

11 October 2009:

Paco: interview with Le Jura Libertaire (new entry to pre-existing collection)

9 October 2009:

Jules Bonnot de la Bande: Advisory concerning spectacular terrorism (new entry to pre-existing collection)

30 September 2009:

Surveillance Camera Players: walking tour in NYC (new entry to pre-existing collection)

23 September 2009:

Surveillance Camera Players: report back from trip to Brazil (new entry to pre-existing collection)

8 August 2009:

Surveillance Camera Players: books that discuss our work (new entry to pre-existing collection)

2 August 2009:

Anonymous: Three German autonomes refuse to respond to Judge Fragnoli (direct link to new addition)

31 July 2009:

Guy Debord: Psychogeographical Venice (direct link to new addition)

29 July 2009:

Guy Debord: The Asturian Strikes of 1962-1963 (direct link to new addition)

27 July 2009:

Guy Debord: Ab Irato (direct link to new addition)

25 July 2009:

Guy Debord: foreword to The Poetry of the Tang Dynasty (direct link to new addition)

24 July 2009:

Guy Debord: the fire at Saint-Laurent-du-Pont (direct link to new addition)

21 July 2009:

soutien11novembre: Tarnac, Berlin, Perousse: Evil-Doers of All Nations, Let's Get Together (direct link to new addition)

14 July 2009:

NOT BORED!: Translator's foreword to Michel Bounan: The Logic of Terrorism (direct link to new addition)

10 July 2009:

Michel Bounan: The Logic of Terrorism (direct link to new addition)

2 July 2009:

Guy Debord: Foreword to the third French edition of "The Society of the Spectacle" (direct link to new addition)

29 June 2009:

NOT BORED!: translator's foreword to "Guy Debord's Letters, 1957 to 1994" (direct link to new addition)

25 June 2009:

Guy Debord: letter to Morgan Sportes (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Makoto Kinoshita (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Anselm Jappe (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Makoto Kinoshita (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Brigitte Cornand (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Alain de Greef (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Nathalie Bloch-Laine (direct link to new addition)

23 June 2009:

Guy Debord: letter to Jean-Jacques Pauvert (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Brigitte Cornand (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Makoto Kinoshita (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Antoine Gallimard (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Jean-Jacques Pauvert (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Anselm Jappe (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Jean-Jacques Pauvert (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Ricardo Paseyro (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Georges Monti (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: last words (direct link to new addition)

22 June 2009:

Guy Debord: letter to Jean-Jacques Pauvert (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Jean-Jacques Pauvert (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Jean-Jacques Pauvert (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Brigitte Cornand (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Jean-Jacques Pauvert (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Jean-Jacques Pauvert (direct link to new addition)

18 June 2009:

Guy Debord: letter to Catherine Fajour (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Brigitte Cornand (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Michel Bounan (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Michel Bounan (direct link to new addition)

17 June 2009:

Surveillance Camera Players: ineffectiveness of surveillance cameras (new entries to pre-existing collection)
Surveillance Camera Players: protests against surveillance cameras (new entry to pre-existing collection)
Surveillance Camera Players: abuses of surveillance cameras (new entry to pre-existing collection)
Le Monde: "Patrons lacking for Debord's manuscripts" (direct link to new addition)
Liberation: "Guy Debord Fundraiser" (direct link to new addition)

16 June 2009:

Guy Debord: letter to Jean-Jacques Pauvert (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Anne-Solange Noble (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Jean-Jacques Pauvert (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Ricardo Paseyro (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Dario Markovic (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Annie Le Brun and Radovan Ivsic (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Jean-Jacques Pauvert (direct link to new addition)

15 June 2009:

Le Monde: "Two hundred people dine together to keep the works of Debord in France" (direct link to new addition)

10 June 2009:

Guy Debord: letter to Jean-Jacques Pauvert (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Jean-Jacques Pauvert (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Jean-Jacques Pauvert (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Jean-Jacques Pauvert (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Jean-Jacques Pauvert (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Brigitte Cornand (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Annie Le Brun (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Annie Le Brun (direct link to new addition)

9 June 2009:

Guy Debord: letter to Michel Bounan (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Michel Bounan (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Michel Bounan (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Michel Bounan (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Michel Bounan (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Michel Bounan (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Michel Bounan (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Annie Le Brun (direct link to new addition)
Guy Debord: letter to Brigitte Cornand (direct link to new addition)

3 June 2009:

Translator's introduction to a preface to a collection of writings by Auguste Blanqui (direct link to new addition)

2 June 2009:

David Ames Curtis: Postscript to a talk about being Cornelius Castoriadis' translator and An open letter concerning a review calling itself Cahiers Castoriadis (direct links to new additions)

27 May 2009:

Julien Coupat: Interviewed in prison (direct link to new addition)

26 May 2009:

Some Agents of the Imaginary Party: preface to a collection of writings by Auguste Blanqui (direct link to new addition)

20 May 2009:

The Support Committee of Limoges: We Are All Iron Bars (direct link to new addition)

14 May 2009:

"The Tarnac 9": To Our Judges (direct link to new addition)

13 May 2009:

Collective Statement of the Delegates from Nearly 30 "Tarnac 9" Support Committees Who Met in Limoges, Belgium, in March 2009 (direct link to new addition)

12 May 2009:

The Arrest of Tessa: A Communique from the Support Committee (direct link to new addition)

11 May 2009:

The Invisible Committee: Focusing: Greece, France and Communism (direct link to new addition)

8 May 2009:

Patrick Marcolini: Situationist inheritors: Julien Coupat, Tiqqun and The Coming Insurrection (direct link to new addition)

21 April 2009:

Surveillance Camera Players: books that discuss our work (new entries to pre-existing collection)

10 April 2009:

NOT BORED!: photographs of 25th anniversary exhibition (direct link to new addition)